Monday, December 22, 2014

The Starting Point

     I guess every illness has a starting point.  For Alzheimers it"s usually insideous.  Mom was more forgetful but isn't everyone as they age?  More confused? but she was always the scattered type. It's easy to make excuses or try to "normalize" what's happening.
     Then came a stroke.  The stroke damaged the part of the brain that affects balance.  She spent a week in the hospital receiving physical therapy. I thought she recovered but looking back, realize the symptoms  were there.
     Does the family of Alzheimers patients always have that one defining moment.  My brother-in-law called to say mom was sitting in her car outside her work and seemed so confused. She was wanting to go home but couldn't remember how to get there.  She only lived 5 minutes from work.
      My heart is heavy as I remember that night...because it was the starting point.